Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine utilizes evidence-based treatments such as nutrition, lifestyle counselling, physical therapy, acupuncture, and botanical medicine. Naturopathic Doctors treat a wide range of conditions alone or in conjunction with other health care practitioners such as medical doctors, chiropractors, dieticians, psychologists, etc.
What to expect on your first visit.
Naturopathic Doctors care about you and your health. They take the time to conduct a detailed intake that examines all areas of your health, which not only includes your main health concerns, but your diet, stress levels, and lifestyle. The more information you can give your naturopathic doctor, the better an individualized treatment plan can be developed for you. A physical exam may be conducted that focuses on your chief concerns. ND's can also perform gynaecological and Pap tests. Blood work or urine tests may be required. ND's can order standard laboratory tests, as well as perform in-house testing for urine and pregnancy. ND's who have met the Standard of Practice for Prescribing in Ontario can prescribe bio-identical hormones, desiccated thyroid hormone and perform B12 injections.
What conditions do Naturopaths treat?
Naturopathic Doctors treat a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions including the following:
• Women's Health (PMS, Menopause, Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibroids, Chronic Yeast Infections & HPV, Fibrocystic
Breasts, Infertility)
• Anxiety, Depression and Psychological Disorders
• Allergies and Asthma
• High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
• Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
• Gastrointestinal Disorders
• Thyroid Conditions
• Diabetes Skin Conditions
• Arthritis
• Autoimmune Conditions
• Weight Management and Eating Disorders
• Pediatric Conditions
• Men's Health
• Aging Concerns
• Urinary Conditions
• Pain Conditions