Beth Greenly, C. Ped (C)

Beth Greenly, Custom Orthotics
Beth is a Canadian Certified Pedorthist who has specialized training in custom orthotics, modified footwear, compression socks and much more! She has worked out of pedorthic clinics in British Columbia, Oshawa, Peterborough and Cobourg focusing on fabricating and dispensing custom orthotics and is excited to move her business closer to home! She completed her undergraduate degree in Kinesiology from Oshawa, Ontario in 2015, and then completed her post graduate diploma in Pedorthics from the University of Western Ontario. She is registered and in good standing with both the College of Pedorthics of Canada and the Pedorthic Association of Canada, which is recognized by numerous insurance companies.
In her spare time, Beth enjoys helping her family on their dairy farm, and raising a goat herd with her brother. She also loves playing hockey, broom ball and baseball in her spare time.